Jarrod Goldsmith
May 14, 2018

What were you doing before you started your business and what inspired you to try entrepreneurship?

Having played and studied the saxophone since 1987, the time was right to finally pursue it full-time in 2011.(This after a graduate degree in archaeology and changing government jobs for approximately 8 years) If there was ever a time in my life to really try to make it work, it was then. Being around other entrepreneurs has always been very inspiring!


Did you do a lot of networking when you got started? How did you grow your network and make it work for you?

Yes, and still do. eSAX is a networking tradeshow for small businesses. Having originally started networking to get gigs for Sax Appeal, I created this other business in 2012 to help many more people with their networking. Plus, having since created an active YouTube account with networking tips etc., it is now a valuable resource for others.


How many hours do you currently put in as an entrepreneur and how do you feel about that?

I’m always working. Since I love what I do, it’s not actually work! I’ve never counted how many hours a week I’m actually working, but let’s just say I don’t have much family-work life balance myself, even though I encourage others to!


How do you get the majority of your leads or clients now? Any tips you can share

Building credibility, trust and relationships takes time. Most of my clients are through networking, or having other people talk about eSAX, Sax Appeal or myself. Such reputation doesn’t happen overnight.


What Ottawa organizations, groups, or companies have provided support to you as a new business that you would recommend?

Collab Space is an awesome place to meet fellow entrepreneurs who often want tot help others. Startup Ottawa / Startup Canada and the Chambers of Commerce are also extremely important organization to consider getting involved in. And eSAX too of course.

Jarrod Goldsmith

eSax – the Entrepreneur Social Advantage Experience and Sax Appeal
[email protected]
Upcoming events: Are you a small business owner looking for resources to grow? Pitch you business for a chance to win a great prize package worth $1000s @ the eSAX Pitchfest event on July 11, 2018! Visit the events page here!